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Abuse & Neglect Policy 

Parent Notification:  Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Policy for Parents - Florida Compliance


Effective Date: 10/1/2023

Last Revision Date: 10/1/2023


1. Purpose

This policy informs parents and guardians about Ann Storck Center legal and ethical obligations under Florida law regarding the reporting of child abuse and neglect. It underscores our unwavering commitment to the safety and well-being of all children in our care and outlines the mandated reporting responsibilities of our staff, aligning with state requirements.


2. Scope

This policy is applicable to all parents, guardians, family members of children enrolled in or receiving services from Ann Storck Center  and all employees, volunteers, and contractors of Ann Storck Center  operating within the state of Florida.


3. Definitions

  • Child Abuse and Neglect: As defined by Florida law, any act or failure to act which results in death, serious physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse or exploitation, or an act or failure to act presenting an imminent risk of serious harm to a child.

  • Mandated Reporter: Under Florida law, any individual who suspects child abuse or neglect is required to report those suspicions to the appropriate authorities.


4. Policy Statement

In compliance with Florida law, Ann Storck Center acknowledges that all staff members are mandated reporters of child abuse and neglect. We are legally obligated to report any suspicions of child abuse, by any person, to the Florida Abuse Hotline. This policy aims to ensure that parents and guardians are aware of our responsibilities and the actions that will be undertaken if a child is suspected of being at risk.


5. Procedures

5.1 Identification of Suspected Abuse or Neglect

  • Staff are trained to recognize the signs of child abuse and neglect, aligning with Florida's guidelines.

  • Any concerns regarding a child's well-being are addressed promptly, maintaining sensitivity and confidentiality.

5.2 Reporting Process

  • Upon suspicion of child abuse or neglect, the staff member will report the concern to the designated supervisor within Ann Storck Center.

  • The supervisor is responsible for reporting the suspicion to the Florida Abuse Hotline at 1-800-962-2873, as mandated by Florida law.

  • Allegations of child abuse by a caregiver will be investigated by the Department of Children and Families, while allegations involving someone other than a caregiver will be immediately transferred to the local law enforcement agency where the child resides.

5.3 Cooperation with Investigations

  • The Ann Storck Center will fully cooperate with the Department of Children and Families, law enforcement, and any other agencies conducting investigations into suspected child abuse or neglect.

  • We will facilitate access to records, facilities, and personnel as legally required.

5.4 Confidentiality

  • All reports are handled with strict confidentiality to protect the privacy and rights of the child and family involved, in line with Florida law.


6. Parental Notification

  • The Ann Storck Center will communicate with parents or guardians as deemed appropriate and guided by the advice of child protective services or law enforcement, prioritizing the child's safety.


7. Training

  • Staff members receive training on Florida's child abuse and neglect signs, mandated reporting responsibilities, and correct reporting procedures.


8. Support for Affected Children and Families

  • The Ann Storck Center provides support to children and families impacted by abuse or neglect, connecting them with the necessary resources and services.


9. Policy Review

This policy will be reviewed annually or as required by updates in Florida legislation or organizational practices.

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